I get a few messages/ emails each month asking for tools/ tips needed when starting out making your first bat. I should it would be a good idea to put a step by step guide together, please feel free to add or challenge any information given in this topic. I'm sure that everyone will do things slightly different.
Ok, so first up is the basic tools needed to get you going.
Number 5 vice - Quite expensive so secondhand would be a good bet or you could use a joiners vice instead

Drawknife - Two types, one to shape shoulders and the other to remove wood

Narrow for shoulders

Spokeshave - Again two types needed, one round bottom and the other flat bottom - used to shape the handle/ edges/ toe


Number 4 plane - usefull in shaping traditional bats

Travisher/ round bottom plane - Used for concaved profiles (various of sizes available)

Round bottom plane

Rasp - Also used to shape handles
Sander - Various available
Sandpaper - very important to get a good quality of sandpaper (apply even pressure and don't skip grades)
Linseed oil or something to wax and buff with
The likelihood is that you wont need/ want to spend a lot on machinery but I've listed a few items to give an overview;
Bandsaw - Cutting splices & cutting the toe/ shoulders in a RAW cleft
Power sander - various available but I'd reconmend a pneumatic sanding drum attached to ether a lathe or motor (bench mounted)
Lathe - Handle binding
Like i said above, any bat makers please feel free to add to the above.