Nice Kit mate, like the black duck + run!
I know I have posted my 2010 kit about 4 times with them all being different, but this is my Final Kit, no changes.
Bat: Blank Champ with Adidas Incurza Stickers
Gloves: Adidas Pro 2010, Puma Ballistic 4000 Aus
Pads: Kookaburra Kahuna Ricky Ponting
Helmet: Masuri Titanium
Thighs: Aero Strippers P2
Bag: Aero Stand Up (Green), Aero Bat Cover
Spikes: Asics 2010, Undecided on Model
Obvisously the Red is stuff on the way/soon to be on the way
I am pretty indecisive so the Ricky Ponting pads may even change to some Adidas pads come June!