New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2013, 08:27:42 PM »

I think your earlier point muses the point though. In real life, not cbf-land, most people don't but new pads every year, indeed, I'm a fully paid up member of cbf-land and I don't do that either.... I paid £45 for a pair of top off the range pads in a sale two years ago and I'll wear them till they wear out. Most cricketers do this rather than new ones every year.

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I spent £30 on a pair of Chase pads in 2009, and replaced then this year as thy were worn through. They offered reasonable protection so I wouldn't have spent any more adding to it.
This year I spent £40 on a pair of blank pads from Dave, they offer sufficient protection again and I hope they last the same amount of time, if not longer.
I'm not sure if the new foxy shin protectors would actually represent a saving to the average punter.

(This list is ignoring the other 2 sets of pads I may have purchased this year...)


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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2013, 09:05:17 PM »

why not just make hockey shin pads and then a user can multi task them?

but there is absolutely no need to buy a new pair of pads twice a season!
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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #32 on: November 24, 2013, 09:40:35 PM »

You answered your own question there mate.

Why do most spend money on top pads when they need too??

Most don't mate most do not care mate if it a forum product then it fine but the bigger picture people will not buy into it.

Why do people buy pads is the question ???

Style?? Brand??? Price???   i suspect protection comes after all them as the average cricketer thinks it a pad it will do it's job.

I mean pads are a subject i like we can talk all day about them the qualities and what not but will it sell pads no.

I think Stretton should bring a pad out a proper Pad or like 123 says a kind of under knee bolster.

People pay more because they presume they are getting something better and they have seen it on TV.

I'll keep going back to the Kook 400s which I could feel YDSCL Div 5 bowlers through. They cost me £12 in the super sale. All they needed was a bit more shin protection and they would have been fine, light, non-bully pads.

If this had been on the market, Iwould have'considered' this.

Just because we on this forum think we have all the inside info, there are a lot of knowledgeable folk out there who would also be in a similar boat and would 'consider' this choice.

The fact the pad could be removed and put in your next pair would be of benefit and many frugal cricketers are about who may like this idea.

Yes it is not everyone's idea, and it may or may not be worth it,but the idea is sound to ask and the options would have some followers.
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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #33 on: November 24, 2013, 10:58:43 PM »

Hi everyone thanks so much for all the comments, it's extremely interesting to read the feedback and overall i'm just so pleased everyone is so passionate about product (Hey it's why we're here !)

Looks like this could be a marmite item !

Stretton Fox body armour has a genuine benefit and offers a different approach due to its construction and finish. The main aim being to give you guys better protection. Although a pad insert would increase protection in leg guards, existing pads (not all!) can and do offer correct protection according to the level played. So perhaps this is the key to moving forward and making pads better, match or achieve better protection and then improve other aspects on the product to make real change and not just more of the same ?
Wouldn't it be nice if someone came out with a brand new system for legs :)
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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #34 on: November 24, 2013, 11:02:30 PM »

I have a pair of Powerbow Test pads from a few years back. The protection on the inside is actually removable.
If this is a common feature could you possible make a replacement 'middle bit' so there is the stretton fox protection with no more (or even less in some cases) bulk and weight.
Might be a stupid idea but thought if share it.


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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #35 on: November 24, 2013, 11:07:40 PM »

People pay more because they presume they are getting something better and they have seen it on TV.

I'll keep going back to the Kook 400s which I could feel YDSCL Div 5 bowlers through. They cost me £12 in the super sale. All they needed was a bit more shin protection and they would have been fine, light, non-bully pads.

If this had been on the market, Iwould have'considered' this.

Just because we on this forum think we have all the inside info, there are a lot of knowledgeable folk out there who would also be in a similar boat and would 'consider' this choice.

The fact the pad could be removed and put in your next pair would be of benefit and many frugal cricketers are about who may like this idea.

Yes it is not everyone's idea, and it may or may not be worth it,but the idea is sound to ask and the options would have some followers.

No inside information or knowledge mate just basic thoughts mate i agree the forum is not the only fountain of information but to don't need me to tell you this.  Agree been said many times there abig gap in the market for something different in pads but it the only area that seems to be holding still

The old newbery sps pads used a thin removable bolster they doubled up as fielding pads
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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #36 on: November 24, 2013, 11:22:20 PM »

Haven't read the thread....

Has anyone suggested the idea of extra protection to the inside of the knee or ankle to save you from those horrible inside edges?
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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #37 on: November 25, 2013, 08:12:26 AM »

It does appear that any inserts may not be universal, which would surely limit selling potential?

have you thought about looking at an alternative wicket keeper's pad? The under trouser and lighter ones seem to be v popular, noticed de kock wearing them in sa vs Pakistan odi. Maybe the lightest option offering your superior protection is an option?
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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #38 on: November 25, 2013, 08:19:35 AM »

Wouldn't it be nice if someone came out with a brand new system for legs :)

Yes, I wonder who would be looking into that?

If it be designed to be added to and taken apart, that may be interesting.

Shin pads, add a bit, keeper pads, add a bit batting pads. 3 pairs in one.
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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #39 on: November 25, 2013, 08:31:10 AM »

Yes, I wonder who would be looking into that?

If it be designed to be added to and taken apart, that may be interesting.

Shin pads, add a bit, keeper pads, add a bit batting pads. 3 pairs in one.

You're not far off ;)
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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #40 on: November 25, 2013, 08:37:56 AM »

George make me some fancy keeping pads :P



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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #41 on: November 25, 2013, 09:25:30 AM »

I'm not sure this is something I'd go for given how cheaply you can pick up a pair of top of the range pads in the sales but its worth asking the question.

Did anything ever happen with the toe protection for batting as I think this was once in the pipeline?



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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #42 on: November 25, 2013, 09:45:16 AM »

I'm not sure there is a market for it at amateur level without offering to partner up with a big brand to provide inserts like d30 did with GM. However at pro level I know a number of guys who insert foam or additional inserts in their leading leg. In fact if you check out Tendulkars last match you'll see the extra padding creeping around his left leg.

I imagine at a certain pace a flush hit to the shin will hurt regardless and having confidence to keep your form when on the front foot is important so additional protection would be useful.


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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #43 on: November 25, 2013, 09:51:58 AM »

I'm not sure there is a market for it at amateur level without offering to partner up with a big brand to provide inserts like d30 did with GM. However at pro level I know a number of guys who insert foam or additional inserts in their leading leg. In fact if you check out Tendulkars last match you'll see the extra padding creeping around his left leg.

I imagine at a certain pace a flush hit to the shin will hurt regardless and having confidence to keep your form when on the front foot is important so additional protection would be useful.
There's plenty of well documented evidence (and I think Tendulkar has also spoken about it) relating to Tendulkar padding out his (very old) Morrants with extra towels.


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Re: New Possible Product / Batting Pad Inserts / Feedback needed !!!
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2014, 06:36:07 PM »

These would be a massive hit with the pros as most of them add extra padding behind the shin bolster, but for club cricketers facing 65/75mph at the max I think the padding in pads themselves would be sufficient mate
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