You answered your own question there mate.
Why do most spend money on top pads when they need too??
Most don't mate most do not care mate if it a forum product then it fine but the bigger picture people will not buy into it.
Why do people buy pads is the question 
Style?? Brand??? Price??? i suspect protection comes after all them as the average cricketer thinks it a pad it will do it's job.
I mean pads are a subject i like we can talk all day about them the qualities and what not but will it sell pads no.
I think Stretton should bring a pad out a proper Pad or like 123 says a kind of under knee bolster.
People pay more because they presume they are getting something better and they have seen it on TV.
I'll keep going back to the Kook 400s which I could feel YDSCL Div 5 bowlers through. They cost me £12 in the super sale. All they needed was a bit more shin protection and they would have been fine, light, non-bully pads.
If this had been on the market, Iwould have'considered' this.
Just because we on this forum think we have all the inside info, there are a lot of knowledgeable folk out there who would also be in a similar boat and would 'consider' this choice.
The fact the pad could be removed and put in your next pair would be of benefit and many frugal cricketers are about who may like this idea.
Yes it is not everyone's idea, and it may or may not be worth it,but the idea is sound to ask and the options would have some followers.