Well I'm glad to bring you a forum offer which is great value for money and a very good product.
Here are some examples

Butterfly willow well I'm not going to steal the Doctor thunder who will be on here very soon to explain what butterfly is or is not to dispel many rumors which exist about the product.
We will not be selling these from any other source bar the forum so grab a bargain these are a few pictures of the top layer of butterfly clefts i saw when i was down there.
There will be actual pictures of the bats very soon as there going to be made into a DB1 shape to keep the weight down because believe it or not most butterfly willow is heavier than it's cleaner cleft encounterpart due to the butterfly stain weighing more than normal sap or heartwood but there are exceptions to this rule.
You can select your handle shape and the weight of the bat and potentially the look of the bat as more pictures will come online over the next few days.
The DB1 shape is this
The Doctor describes this as a modern shape which has proved a very popular shape over the last few years amongst the pro's. With a mid to high swell position, combined with the pronounced scoop profile the DB1 really is a bat that picks up really nicely, still maintaining a very large edge size. A comment that we hear a lot is look at the size of that and "how light is this" in our showroom when people pick this beauty up. This bat is suited to the all round play maker who likes to hit the ball.
The scooped profile allows mass to be removed without sacrificing the edge or spine height allowing us to achieve big looking, lightweight bat.

Now i can assure you these where not hand picked as the best butterfly there where of the top of the rack and now another good point price
118 in store
125 posted Uk mainland
These are in limited number contact me or Butterfingerz if you want one i know the quality of the clefts and pressing and the price is bloody good price.
Cheers to Rob Cook for holding the willow out for us.
Thanks for looking