This is my big thing year after year. I used to match the colour of my kit, usually blue, without worrying too much about brands, e.g.
2011 - Kook Ice bat, Bradbury pads, Kook Ice gloves
2012 - Woodstock bat (sky blue stickers), Woodstock pads (plain white), Kook Ice gloves
2013 - B3 bat (blue stickers) Kook Ice subzero pads (2nd hand off ebay - £20), Kook Ice gloves, Ayrtek
This year the problems started! I moved to having to have the same softs, but couldn't find a match that suited me. So after buying (and selling); Bubble pads (good pads, but couldn't get on with the gloves), Bubble gloves (HDF + didn't fit well), Pro issue recoil gloves (too loud) and GM top end gloves this year (not a great fit), I ended up in 2014 with; B3 bat (sky blue stickers), Ice pads and gloves as before! The saving grace was that I'm getting real value for the £20 ebay pads, but they and the gloves are starting to get very worn.
2015 seems to be following the same issues - will repeat the sky blue B3 stickers post-refurb (Coventry City fan, sorry!), but looking for matching gloves and pads set. So far I've discounted the entire 2015 Kook softs range.
I need to have sausage gloves, so the frontrunners at the mo are; B&S, Gray Nics Prestige range and Gray Nics Omega range. Look forward to seeing the Puma and B3 softs and possibly even the M&H ones (won't buy the CK22 range due to the gloves). Thing is, if I go for GN, I'll need to get the bag and duffle to match! I justify this by telling myself that all cricketers, by the very nature of the sport, have to be a little OCD...
My head hurts a little...