But surely within any industry, the top grade products will be different to the lower grade ones. Just the same as asking why companies don't put XRD or Pittards palms on every single one of their pads and gloves, or why (some companies!) make only their top bats in England and the rest in Asia. Simply, because they have to save the better equipment and materials (and pressing) for the top quality, and priced, range.
It is simple. If you want the best, then you have to pay for the best, otherwise if everything has these special features then there is no longer any point of having different pricing levels.
Now, not having seen the Kudos2 in the flesh, or having pinged them, I couldn't tell you if they are the best. However, clearly Newbery think they are, and have some kind of scientific reasoning for this (i.e. the different pressing technique), so they can justify this price rise.
Again, as many people have said, if this pressing proves to be better, why should Newbery put it on their other products? Doesn't it make sense to incentivise people to buy the best?
That's just my thoughts - and do not necessarily reflect those of IJC. I accept that the pressing may not be the best - I'm looking at this from a principal point of view rather then a practical one.