If we're blaming 'England' for everything, let's give them credit when we won the T20 and were number one in the world and winning back to back ashes. Blame the current situation on capitalism, greed and british conservative values at the top of sport that lead to white, middle aged men with risk-averse opinions and decades old attitudes to how sport is always played. It's not always the people you want to blames fault. Look at the cause, not the symptom...
The general public mock the Rooney rule, while those who have experience say it can't be a bad thing. The more diversity and new ideas at committee level leads to broader ideas of how things should be run and picking more mavericks, like hales. Until then, we will always view players who.play with initiative as inconsistent and give them less leeway than a cook or ballance.
There are lots of younger, more diverse people trying to break down barriers. But getting the institutionalised execs to change is like getting turkeys to vote for Christmas...