We have added some new functionality to the forum. This is the "Member Mention" or "Member Tag".
When typing a new topic or response, if you enter "@membername" in the text, the member that you have tagged gets a notification that they have been mentioned. When you type @ followed by the member name you are given options for the member name that you want to tag.
Mentions will show up in your profile, and you will see how many new ones there are as they show up in brackets next to Profile. Tapatalk also picks these up and will notify you that you have a mention.
By default, we have enabled this function to send an email to users. If you don't want to receive an email when you are mentioned, please do the following:
- Go into your profile
- In the left hand menu there is a new "Mentions" option - select this
- Deselect the check box "Enable email notifications"
- Save changes