You are on the back foot already and we all know that is not a great place to be with a MMi3 in your hands, it doesn't give you the defence that other bats offer.
I appreciate the brand has launched. Please quantify your success, unit sales maybe? It is the most radical bat I've seen but very close to the CJI Fatso LE in my opinion on your looks front.
But having been bored senseless by fully reading Mongoose's patent application I found a few flaws, and those would be simple for a cricketer to spot, let alone a patent lawyer. The Uzi was launched as the first elongated handle, truncated blade combination bat on the market and was pitched as a T20 bat. The application rightly credits Slazenger and Newbery as having shoulderless bats before anyone else. The Mongoose is a spliced bat the same as every other, hiding the splice does not make it spliceless. Also the definition issued as to what constitutes a patent will be a major problem in the cricket bat field, maybe why there are so few patents. I don't have a problem with anything in the Mongoose bat range, the ideas have been tried and not taken up by batmaker's so it was a brave move to go with it and coupled with an excellent marketing background Marcus has created superb brand awareness.
It's just a trivial annoyance that you guys have not seen to credit where credit is due, look forward to the next most radical bat ever.... when are you going to come down and see all my secrets in action?