Dear valued customer,
Firstly, we would like to sincerely thank you for your support of Laver & Wood by simply buying our product and believing in the unique service we provide. The time has come at Laver & Wood to take the next step in our long term growth strategy to become the world�s most prolific Handmade Cricket bat manufacturer.
We believe in a symbiotic relationship between Batsman and Bat Maker, as the premier custodian of this relationship � we view it as our duty to the Cricketing world to try and give this opportunity to as many batsman as possible. To do this we are offering our friends, families, customers and personal investors a chance to buy into Laver & Wood.
Please watch the video brief outlining why we are crowdfunding: the 3rd of November 2016, we will be launching Crowdfunding campaign, where you will have the opportunity to invest in our business. After sixteen years of profitable trading and building a great reputation we believe there is a huge opportunity for our business to expand. We are seeking between NZ$250,000 and NZ$1,000,000 for between 5.8% and 20% of Laver & Wood�s equity. Minimum investment is NZ$500.
Full details of what is in it for you as an investor are being finalised and will become available prior to launch date.
To receive more information on the offering in the lead up to the 3rd of November, please sign up here: - Feel free to ask any specific questions you might have in the "Do you have any questions for us" field provided.
At Laver & Wood our philosophy is to put our customers and customer service first. We have grown our business based on the fantastic support of the people who use our bats and we seek to continue growing in the same manor.
If you are not in a position to invest yourself, but would still like to help, please share the video on your Facebook page or forward this email on to people you think would be interested in this rare investment opportunity.
Yours sincerely,
James Laver