I think kettle bells are excellent. Any exercise is better than none at all!!
But people just need to decide what the want to do and work around that in the way they want to. If unsure then there are some decent fitness trainers at gys who can advise.
My personal preference at my age is cardio. I am just under 17 stone so I am not interested in bulking up! So more toning for me.
I know about running having done a few half marathons, a full one, plus various other shorter events. But as I am just working on base fitness at the moment, Therefore my workout is:
SAT: Running Intervals for 50 mins (2 mins 12-13kph an 1 min 10kph recovery - repeat 10 times. Then go faster)
Followed by Dumbell workout list below
TUE: 70-80mins easy pace (10kph)
WED: 45 mins brisk walk (6kph) at 10-12 degrees incline.
Followed by Dumbell workout again
THU: 30mins at 10kph, 20mins at 11kph, 20 mins back down to 10kph and cool down.
Dumbbell workout is down pretty fast. I use light weights but when I do a set, I do not rest between!
Set 1: 12 x pressups, 12 x shoulder press (10kg), 12 x hammer curls (10kg), tricep pull down on machine. Rest for 1 minute and repeat without resting in between!
Set 2: 12 x dumbbell pullover (15kg), upright rows Dumbells (12kg), Concentration curls (8kg), French press (10kg). Rest for 1 minute and repeat.
Set 3: 12 x Dumbbell side raises (8kg), 12 x front raises (6kg), tricep kickbacks (5kg). Rest for 1 minutes and repeat.
Stretching is the most important aspect of the workout in my eyes! Whether running or whether using weights, I always allow 15 minutes for full stretches after!
That is mine currently anyway! I have worked up to this in 2 months as I have been very lazy for the last couple of years. So felt it time to either get fat or get fit!! I could argue that I am a little bit of both!
So find your own balance and find the best schedule that fits in with your working weeks. Then find the exercises which work for you and try and slowly introduce little healthy changes in diet! Nothing too radical but one little step at a time is what I find works well!
But most of all, stay motivated and keep going! No excuses for skipping an exercise day chaps!!
And before the keener eyed person will tell me that I skipped my Saturday workout, that was because I had a days holiday yesterday, so I spent 2 hours of it in the gym doing running and dumbbells.