I agree with
@DorsetDan re the gloves , in that they aren't for me . I dont wear inners because i need less bulk , more feel (even though i go through 5 or 6 pairs of gloves a year and would get more longevity from wearing inners). However if you don't have these needs or wears inners anyway then these gloves might be a goer .
Re the pads , i think they look great . A side benifit of the design is the inner knee/shin bolster could be retrofitted to certain pads ......if i hadnt bought custom stretton fox shin/knee bolsters for my morrants I'd definitely look at buying these to wear with them .
I guess , since they are a new product , sight unseen , it would require trying them in the flesh to know if they are suited to you or not .....and if noone stocks them then perhaps online purchasing aprehension may be a bit of an obstacle in converting people to using them .