My aging jockstrap and GN box combo needed updating/replacing. So I recently purchased the Shockdoctor shorts with included Bioflex cup, I also purchased an Aero Groin Protector to see what works out best for me.
I like the Shorts as the cup pocket is quite ergonomic, allowing these large cups to fit well and not impede too much on the shorts functionality (see below picture fitted with the Aero Groin Protector).
The Bioflex cup offers good protection if you caught a blow front on, yet if the ball comes in at more of an angle, the protection offered is less so. The volume of space in the large Bioflex cup size is ok but the senior sized Aero Groin Protector is bigger and felt better for me when testing out protection with the mallet. However I did prefer the fitting between the thighs of the Bioflex cup, it was narrower and flexible. So if you were doing a lot of running, I imagine the Bioflex cup would work out better and it also has breathing slots to help you from getting 'betty swallocks'.
For now though, I'm going to run with the Shockdoctor shorts and Aero Groin Protector combination.