i agree with the coments above-
@SOULMAN1012 the GM players edition bats i would suspect are similar in quality to what the majority of makers offer as a standard pro shape for the pro boys to pick through..... i also agree the players editions are very very good bats and will be as good as you can get from GM as a punter.....
the real top pros... ie Kohli/root etc will get bats that anyone will struggle to get anywhere i would think...... and as i said and
@potzy248 also states above the only place as a joe bloggs customer would be able to source somthing remarkably close to these IMO would be B3, my b3 root i foolishly sold would have been similar specs to this root but again that was a very very rare cleft.
I think we can all agree the top top pros get better than any of us mere mortals can get hold of and even most average county players.......
i am by no means saying these bats make you a superior player, i certainly would feel a million dollars wielding one of those bad boys even if i lasted 2 balls before snicking off