This is why, I really can’t be bothered ordering softs,,,the work/hassle just isn’t worth the minuscule profit to be made
The small boutique brands have to do it, to compete in an incredibly small market, that’s constantly bombarded with special offers/deals etc from manufacturers via social media etc...
But for me, it would definitely take away the enjoyment I get from shaping bats and giving customers the best cricket bats ,,obviously in my opinion..
To offer a set of gloves at 30 quid is virtually impossible,,especially with import costs etc
Sports direct can do it for obvious reasons,,but they won’t be able to offer the boutique brands to the fkw out there.
It’s a tough gig for sure, and one that the smaller brands really have to be applauded for, for having a go.
The level of service they can offer for a given product is unmatched..
The whole cricket brand thing, is one done for the love, and certainly not for the money,,,hence the proliferation of brands that disappear after the realisation of the time/costs involved