Fox Sports 3's Inside Cricket, transcript…
Brendan Julian "So where do we go from here boys, Junior what do you
Mark Waugh "Mate if I was a selector there are at least five, maybe six,
of those blokes who'd be looking for something to do next week, because
they wouldn't be playing cricket in Perth."
Damien Fleming "Such as?"
Waugh "Mate, Doherty for a start. I mean jeez, we've picked a bloke
because we don't know who our spinner should be. Should we seriously
pick a guy who has played 10 state level tests in his life to go up
against Pietersen, Cooke and those guys?"
Julian "Bit harsh"
Waugh "Bit harsh? He was chucking that many pies at Pietersen he may as
well have opened a bakery on days 2 and 3."
Fleming "North?"
Waugh "Gone"
Julian "Bollinger? Siddle?"
Waugh "Gone"
Gladstone Small " Can I interrupt for a minute?"
Waugh "No"
Julian "Junior is on a bit of a roll here Stone"
Waugh "No I mean fair go, we've got it wrong here. If I'm the only bloke
not happy that we've been rolled for an innings and 70 odd runs on a
runway of a pitch and that lets be honest we're going to have a summer
of the poms handing us our ars&s in this series then fair go boys,
something's wrong here. What's Clarke doing after getting out? He's on
twitter saying sorry for not walking? Mate if he did that in our side
there'd be hell to play. AB would chuck his twitter box off the balcony
or whatever it is. Sorry for not walking? jesus christ man