I am not sure if this is repairable and even if it is repairable how long the bat will last as a lot of "stress" would be transferred to the handle and around this are on contact with the ball and while tapping the bat on the crease.
How old and how used is the bat?
Question for the batmakers on the forum:
Would this be a result of a poorly fitted handle (a marginally bigger handle being hammered into place)?
Yash, I bought this bat off a clubmate last year in October. It was slighty used but the thing was that the previous owner used to bang very hard on a concerte surface and near the splice area there is a seam mark which was caused by a cheap/hard ball I am assuming.
If it was repairable would it require a new handle?
Over here new handle is quite expensive and it cost almost same as the value of bat I paid. Its $110 Canadian Dollars to get the handle replaced whereas I paid $120 for the bat. I do know MB Malik owner quite well and he will replace the handle for me but I will have to take it to Pakistan and bring it back, just don't know if its worth it or not.
Since last October 2009 I used it 3 times in nets for 3-5 minutes each whereas rest of the time it was used by my brother. My brother doesn't play much of crickter nor he is in any club.