This is BS.
I'm sorry, but I think that everyone is saying how great it is and all that, which is probably true, but it's not really a good thing. Not really.
Look, Sarah Taylor might be good enough or not. Time will tell. I have never seen a woman yet good enough to play first class cricket, or second class cricket, or even be a decent player in a PL - sorry but that does not make me a sexiest or misogynist.
Taylor may well be good enough.... Will she play first class cricket?
No way. Sorry but that just the truth. I doubt it. Here's (at least one reason) why....
I might be wrong with this but; do England's Women top players get employed as a full time job - i.e. is she a professional? Does she net and train with pro. coaches all year round, has she been touring around the world playing cricket for a few years??? Lets assuming yes. Sussex are saying that she might just be good enough if they are short, well she might just fill in a gap - sort of at short notice like - Hardly a vote of confidence in her abilities... and it looks like they are not even saying that!,320543,EN.html?Pf=com.otherobjects.cms.model.structure.Folder-L-5 Anyway, ..... what about the young lad that's at school or colleague and nets once a week, surly he's a better shout? He might not do as well in a few games - but then again he might go on to play first class cricket.
Second team cricket is poor these days, and I wish her all the luck, its just a shame that there no better options, which i find quite hard to belive, and very sad if true.
Aside from this particular case, I can't see women cutting it in the mens games, the power gap is just too much, and to my earlier point, that's why there are no other sports where men play directly against women. Will womens cricket take off in it own right - again that seems unlikely, but you never know. few closing thoughts, before I get the inevitable lambasting,
> The women's game uses a lighter ball, and shorter boundaries.
> The fastest women bowlers in the world are comfortably sub 80mph (even with a ligher ball!)
> The fastest men in the world are comfortably 90mph+.
> The average women's (seam) bowler in county cricket bowls at about the same pace as a 14/15 year old boy.
Just because Leo doesn't want to hurt a woman does not make him a) Macho, b)Sexiest c) A bad person... Just because he see things differently doesn't mean you should rubbish his opinion... I'm guessing you'd all join in in sledging a women cricketer as well???
Just saying dude, have fun.... its just a game ;-)