As our unofficial co-ordinator of Junior bats (I hand pick them and do the video reviews) I am personally most pleased with the Harrow selection that we have brought in. As you can see they are absolutely stunning and they all go like trains off the mallet too.
In terms of full size bats, the Kudos is my favourite Newbery shape, it is so well balanced and I just think it looks awesome too with the classy decals etc. But in terms of the performance, I would say you could a hell of a lot worse than the butterfly Uzi 5*. This was one that Neil himself recommended to us and he certainly knows his salt, it is an absolute weapon! I think even I would be able to score some runs with it!
As usual I am working this week on Friday afternoon so if you can, come down and check them out, I'll be happy to have a good old chin wag about cricket and show you round the New Newbery's and Salix's as well as all the other gorgeous willow in the shop!