I beg your pardon.... I now have only five and a mongoose (which isn't a proper cricket bat). You seem to have more than me! Think I need a few new ones
See! This is funny, this is!! The justification that 6 bats isn't 'many'.
This is what this place does to us - it turns us weird.
I have 2 bats to use (one of which has been stolen by Dave Procricket!!!!!!!!!!!) and a further 3 to sell on eBay/my club. Sadly, that's the least I've had in months.
If you follow Garret's logic - 2 is the most you would ever need at any one time. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHAAHAAHA!!!!!! Johnny, you really haven't entered into the spirit of the thing - at least 6 bats makes you better - and each new bat you buy makes you better than the last one.
Many of us need serious counselling - but if we got that, it wouldn;t be fun any more,
................now then - who's got a bat for sale?