Appreciate that it would be good to be able to give an immediate response but without having the helmet back with us to view and obtaining all the relevant info available any release prior to this would be speculation.
I could be totally wrong on this, as I don't run my own business, I'm merely a pawn in someone else. But had it been my product and lively hood that had failed with massive issues, I would be doing as much as possible to get the correct info out there while fresh in people's minds.
Now the incident was in England, next day courier, or drive to where said helmet is and collect. Boom you've got it in a day.
How long does it take for a helmet to be retrieved? Or is there outside influences at work I'm not sure of(icc hse etc keeping hold due to here investigation?)
I'd then put my next few days/weeks into investigation to find out what's what. And then release said info while the incident is fresh in people's minds.
I can't help but think it's already been to long. People will have forgot and move on already. And when they come to buy a Helmet, will half remember broad got hit, not the press release explaining why, 8 weeks later.