Well I was thinking the other day of sellng my bats at cost price before overheads (not many from my bedroom) or very close to it so I could make a loss just so I could offset it against my 40% tax rate from workBedroom brands are set up for different reasons, pleasure, getting involved in starting a budiness, getting involved in cricket industry or making a loss for tax purposes Now that has put the cat amongst the pigeons.
I can remember paying around £250 for a top of the range newbery 17 years ago. With the increase in fixed costs on bat makers/shops well above inflation in that time, £400 for a top of the range newbery now seems very fair.
you were probably ripped off mate, 17 years ago.
Probably was, but only a little. You have to remember 17 years ago there was not the internet shops, so you had to trust your local cricket shop. Back then newbery and salix were the most expensive bats you could buy. There are now more brands than ever, the high end bat bats made by the bespoke top bat makers in the world I think are well priced. The cheap to middle range bats made the by the biggest companies in my opinion are now too expensive considering who and where they are making these.
I think if you go back 20+ years they were cheaper, however I can remember everyone certainly in the south east working out all the pro's down here had Salix's or Newbery's just with the larger brands stickers on them for sponsorship reasons. Cue everyone buying these bats and the prices rising dramatically on the top end ones, the lower end ones were good value though.
Were they? When someone turned up with their new £400 Newbery tour a couple of seasons ago, someone said: "Christ, I can remember when Newbery were the bats to have because they were cheaper than all the others"Not saying you're wrong mate, just heard two contradicting statements on it now.