Hi guys, been a little while since I posted up a few pics, so here are some of a rehandle/refurb I got from B3! It was a blank BAS, which didn't really need a refurb as it had been used once, but was told that the rehandle included the refurb and resticker. It did have a squint handle, so I asked B3 to rehandle the bat, and for the handle to be a similar shape to my Screaming Cat oval handle, but just a touch thinner. Here's what I got back:
Here's a picture of the handle before:
As you can see the handle is now straight! We will start with the cons, as the pros balance out most of them.
Handle is round (Requested an oval)
BAS stamps were sanded out (small one, unavoidable with the refurb as the stamps are shallow)
Pretty pricey! Set me back £57.50, plus how much it cost for me to post it down!
Handle is straight
Was allowed to select between an option of 2 different handles
Finishing was good, lovely gleam to the bat
Black B3 stickers look classy on the bat
Bat returned pretty promptly
Service was great, offered to redo the rehandle FOC and refund the postage cost (Declined the kind gesture)
Let me pay after the rehandle was done
The bat does look stunning though in my opinion, and I wouldn't have spent so much money on it if I didn't think it was worth it! The rehandle doesn't seem to have had a detrimental effect on the performance at all, the bat still pings like crazy! A round handle feels so weird to me though, the balance is right, but it just doesn't seem to suit the way I grip a bat. However, a handy trick a fellow Hong Kong citizen taught me (I swear he's like the Chinese
Swann, incredible drift, flight and turn Lyon, such a clubbie spinner...) has made the handle feel just right.
Overall, I would say a good experience and turnaround time. It was a little disappointing that the handle shape wasn't right, but I made the decision not to take up their offer, so I can't fault their customer service. Has the mistake put me off B3? Nope, mistakes happen, and it wasn't anything malicious or deceiving, just a little miscommunication. Their offer to resolve things basically resolved everything for me, I'm happy to know that they were willing to fix the problem.