My helmet has arrived.
It looks like an Ayrtek. Can't really tell the difference. But as I was asked to test vision I put it on.
Grill gap seems smaller, grill more apparent. But am a being paranoid.
Put it next to my current Ayrtek.
Grill sits further out(is longer in effect. So it's level with the peak, and sits about 10mm closer to peak.
Grill also hangs lower to give more chin coverage(probably to gain he loss off coverage as grill is moved closer to peak.
Fit is identical to current Ayrtek, very comfy, swapped to the more padded inserts for best fit.
More Velcro in this so pads don't move! Big improvement.
In the hand the steel grill makes it feel heavier over my titanium one. By on the weight difference is negligible.
Pics to follow.
Net coming up sat so will comment on if it effects my game in the net. May try and film it to.