I wanted to discuss an issue i am facing with OLS. I ordered a bat and a SS elite bundle for a friend. Total cost is 500 USD. This package was shipped through DEUS Express. They usually use some sort of courier to receive all the packages from India and then ship it within USA through FedEx. I got a FedEx tracking from OLS and i kept track of it. Now comes the chronology of events ...
* On Dec 1st 2015, i got an update saying the package was delivered, however i was at home and nothing arrived. I reached out to OLS and then raised a FedEx missing package investigation. FedEx employees turned up at my house, asked a few questions and checked the perimeter of the house. They closed the investigation saying that the package was lost as a result of FedEx fault and sent me an email stating that the seller should file for reimbursement with the necessary documents for this procedure.
* On Dec 15th 2015, I contacted OLS at this point and provided all the documents to him. He claimed DEUS Express wanted to open a separate investigation and the one i raised wasn't valid. This happened on Dec 15th. I let them continue and they came back saying the same thing as FedEx told me earlier. Now OLS is trying to get DEUS express to reimburse but he isn't getting any response from him (i find this hard to believe, since he will be using DEUS express to send shipments to other folks in USA).
* On Jan 2nd 2016, OLS emailed about his situation and asked me to wait for 2 weeks.
* On Jan 14th 2016, he came back and told me the package is lost and DEUS is not refunding anything. I emailed him the same day asking for a full refund or give us an alternate option. I have repeatedly emailed him with a spacing of 2 days and he is conveniently ignoring my emails.
What are my options here ? My payment was through paypal, so i am thinking of opening an investigation right away.
Any suggestions, thoughts or past experiences is greatly appreciated.
Moral of the story (atleast for me): DON'T BUY FROM ONLINESTOCKIST.