That Beluga is such an interesting shape, what does it feel like in the hands?
Be interested to hear how it goes. Not sure I'm brave enough to use one but the principle of it is so unique.
@Jimbo If you don't what to go the full Beluga Monty then this seems like a very decent option.
Other additions. I couldn't risk this Newbery getting into the wrong hands and being put up for sale as an ex-pro bat for a trillion pounds on ebay. Too light for me though.And a cheap but nice enough titanium Albion.
That Mjolnir looks brilliant. When I was a nippa, the gun bat in my first club used one. Great bat. Great memories.
Other than a new Neon wheelie duffle which looks great, softs and other gear is all the same for this season.Bat collection has been reduced down to something a bit more manageable but still going to be a hell of a job picking out one match bat...That Red Ink looks great and loving the blue stickers. Is it a full profile?