nobody likes to get beaten, but there are ways of behaving even in a competitive game. The irony of saturday was the amount of posters around the clubhouse about respect and honesty.
We have all played in spikey games but at the end of them you shake hands, apologize if you have crossed a line, and then have a beer with them. It cant be fun if you have a fight every week can it?
modern PR clap trap from the ECB for 'respect and honesty' (non walkers?? verbals??).. You can't take anything a club puts on a wall or the ECB put out seriously as it's all just PR gumph.. meaningless. As I've said, WEPL randomly this year are telling umpires to tell capts about verbals.. no speaking at , to or about a batter etc etc.. no send offs... and yet... within a few balls... yabber yabber yabber.. SOME players, just can't help themselves being anti and umpires do nothing.. again, unless you enforce things, these things are meaningless as players won't learn or change.
I dunno, not sure I'd want a beer with someone whose verbally abused me all game, calling me x y and z, stating I can't play this, or that. It's not like it's friendly or someone I know and am happy to take banter from. The 'what happens on the field' stuff is usually said by those who like the verbals tbf.. it's their way to excusing it.. 'just being competitive mate'