@Buzz added
Good luck with that! He's like Inzi - he has his net, then wants to sit down in a nice wicker chair, off to one side!
How dare you! I would need a leather queen thanks.
Always interested in a net session, especially if @FattusCattus makes some personalised run up markers :)
Not sure on availability yet, but will try and add some dates later, or just fit in where I can.
top effort for organising Matt payment coming thru this evening for you.
Looking forward to seeing Batbuddy99 giving Cattus the charge down the wicket again. aaaaahhhhh theexuberancefoolishness of youth !!
Cheers @Mpt7 - will send the money over now! Should hopefully have a few new sticks to play with by then too ;)
@Mpt7 sounds good to me, I'll sort out some dosh tonight.
Not relishing bowling against @SOULMAN1012 @neoncricket @Northern monkey - although @WalkingWicket37, our duel of pure cricketing excellence between bat and ball looks set to continue!!!
I shall bring the healthy fruitbowl!
money received. many thanks
this could be some serious bats!!
we should probably get a photo, no photo = no existence ;-)
That does give me an idea for when we next net though, Brucie... :D
no tank tops but you can bring a pub ;-)
I was thinking we could recreate the Kung Fu Fighting video ;)
I was thinking more of a Right Said Fred tribute act!
Edge u legend!! Look at the photos of the last group outing...jesus do we need someone photogenic!!Ha not sure I can help in that department!
Edge u legend!! Look at the photos of the last group outing...jesus do we need someone photogenic!!
Work/missus dependent I could be very keen for this, would there be room for late callups?
Can I pay on the day?
Just checking I don't have my daughter this date and then I'll settle up mate
@Mpt7 sounds good to me, I'll sort out some dosh tonight.
Not relishing bowling against @SOULMAN1012 @neoncricket @Northern monkey - although @WalkingWicket37, our duel of pure cricketing excellence between bat and ball looks set to continue!!!
I shall bring the healthy fruitbowl!
he took out my off stump playing no shot last time we netted together.
- although @WalkingWicket37, our duel of pure cricketing excellence between bat and ball looks set to continue!!!
Although I may have justed nosed ahead here Cam!!
A cracking net today
Absolutely knackered now tho!ha
northern/Pete/Cat total legends.
stiffer than a 16 year old schoolboy on work experience backstage at an underwear modelling show.
oh to be 21 again !! :)
Hello Batmen,
Thank you to all who have filled out their availability. if you haven't done it yet get in quick!!( [url]http://doodle.com/poll/qr2q7fb6gf6ypevf[/url] ([url]http://doodle.com/poll/qr2q7fb6gf6ypevf[/url])) I have gone for the time slot with the most people available, Apologies if this doesn't fit for everyone but I've tried to fit the most people in based on availability and what eversley have available
currently we have @FattusCattus @neoncricket @SOULMAN1012 @WalkingWicket37 @simonmay5 @Batbuddy99 +1 and @ppccopener confirmed
@RoCo Da Pixie @Woodyspin +1 sorry i couldn't fit your dates however if you can make it let me know, you're more than welcome.
We currently have between 8-10 so I will go for initially 2 nets - which could be expanded if we have more numbers
I spoke to Eversley today, they have fairly limited availability, I have provisionally booked 10-1 on SUNDAY 27TH NOVEMBER which I will confirm at the weekend.
Cost wise it's £22 per hour per lane so the total is £132 plus the bowling machine (£15) total is £147 . Eversley require it to be paid up front in full. I can stick it on my card but if people can send me £15 and any difference I can give it back on they day/buy the first round ;-)
My paypal is Townson50@hotmail.com
Looking forward to to the net something to look forward to after the sun has gone
I will tot it all up on monday and send out an official who's who. let the last few start the final negotationsTop work, thanks bud. Let us know what needs paying etc on Monday then 👍
we are looking at having quite a group so I will need to check if we need another net.
however we are paid up for the first two
Where is the net? Place, town, county, best train station 🚉😍Same place as last week mate
Simon is i think mate
:( @Woodyspin or @simonmay5 going?
What date?
Isn't it Sunday 27th Nov??
21 people??????????? I think we may need another net, that's going to be pretty congested.Even with just the 16 confirmed attendees only 2 nets is going to be a bit cramped isn't it, esp. with one net being bowling machine? Or do you mean 2 nets + 1 net with bowling machine @Mpt7 ?
21 people??????????? I think we may need another net, that's going to be pretty congested.
Indoor cricket league I think.
When is the net mate
ok so after a quick chat and explanation of our slightly larger group I got the following kind offer from the gents at Eversley crickets center.
11am start - 2 lanes and bowling machines and then the whole hall from 12-2:45. no real change in cost
I think this is better for everyone especially as we have such a large group this time so everyone can join and get a trudle and a hit
if this works let me know below by either a "YES" or "NO"
Sunday 27th Novare you going if so happy to tag a long
are you going if so happy to tag a long
@Woodyspin more the merrier!
more the merrier!
not sure if anyone else noticed but I lip read last net 'take that beanpole' after the angry pull shot.
lucky for him, i have a new target!Oh yeah?
Oh yeah?
It's not me after I charged you is it?
Sent the money over @Mpt7 👍
I am out. Thanks for thinking of me.
Have a great session and take lots of pictures/videos etc
Unfortunately chaps I won't be able to attend. Playing drums in the school musical and have to rehearse on that Sunday - it's an awful excuse but such is the life of a teacher!
If we keep this up then there's got to be the possibility of an inter-CB game come the summer... if we can get 22 for a net then it should be a doddle!
Really sorry to hear that Adam, wishing you a speedy recovery mate.
If the willow needs reviewing and playing in I'm always happy to help a mate out... ;)
Just sending the money over now @Mpt7
Cripes, this is a whole lot of people!! I'm going to bring a whole bunch of bananas!!!!
(Has anyone informed Sky Sports - they may want to get some footage of this)
Well I'm planning on only taking a small duffle bag with me and (at most) 2 bats. :o
Coming on your moped again Cam?
([url]http://u04t.imgup.net/riding_mopdbec.jpg[/url]) ([url]http://u04i.imgup.net/riding_mopdbec.jpg[/url])
Well I'm planning on only taking a small duffle bag with me and (at most) 2 bats. :o
Will I be refused entry at the door for such crimes?
I reckon he has found himself a bird
Funny way of describing honey g Brucey
([url]http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb450/CPye061194/2013-12/HoneyG_zpsqipcqz3v.jpg[/url]) ([url]http://s1206.photobucket.com/user/CPye061194/media/2013-12/HoneyG_zpsqipcqz3v.jpg.html[/url])
Just sending the money over now @Mpt7
Will do the same tonight
Sorry all to far for me this time
@Woodyspin did you want me to bring the chest guard along bud?
Yeah could i just try it please mate, possible i may be put of pocket after Sunday!
What do you need that for mate you feeding the bowling machine to @Northern monkey again😉
Sorry all to far for me this time
Anyone bringing anything interesting for swapsies / sale?
I will be bringing my H4Ls and I'm always keen for something new
You will be popular!! :)
Im bringing a big bag of sweets...no no no funny ball polishing to eat!!!
Perhaps everyone could bring some sort of snacks or baked goods and we could have a large buffet table at the back (as well as buffet in the nets!!)
Is that a euphemism? @Woodyspin
Aren't you too young to be learning about the birds and the bees?Year 6 SATs are comprehensive these days
Everyone seems to be bringing possible bats to swap, sell or trade!
Therefore I think I will bring along some willow for people to stroke! Maybe Laver Sig, Original SAF, Scat Prof, Hick and Adam Gilly match bats?
Anyway, should be a damn good day! :)
Everyone seems to be bringing possible bats to swap, sell or trade!
Therefore I think I will bring along some willow for people to stroke! Maybe Laver Sig, Original SAF, Scat Prof, Hick and Adam Gilly match bats?
Anyway, should be a damn good day! :)
I thought essential only kit was your definition of a small shop tho cam?
A few pics of the action (face to names) & willow on display would be good to see from us fellow forum members up country chaps
Might be hard as there will be over 100 bats on show tomorrow and that's just between me and @petehosk 😉
Oh, so much to discuss!! But folks - WE HAVE A NEW FORUM BROMANCE!!!! A certain pair spent many hours together in one net, with their heads together furtively discussing tips and techniques. In fact, it took a bucket of cold water and some flapjacks to seperate them!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you - KING GEORGE & HENRY:
([url]http://h04t.imgup.net/georgec3c1.jpg[/url]) ([url]http://h04i.imgup.net/georgec3c1.jpg[/url]) ([url]http://v62t.imgup.net/henry950f.jpg[/url]) ([url]http://v62i.imgup.net/henry950f.jpg[/url])
Jealous lol
Nobody else seemed interested in using the bowling machine so we just kept using it...
I found he was best played from square-leg with attempted slaps through the covers.For this read Fattus applied the Jumbo with extreme prejudice! Was glad to be on the receiving end of what I believe is referred to as proper batting.
Fattus teaching Benji (@Batbuddy99) how to be a bender
([url]http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb450/CPye061194/20161127_131931_zpslhwec0zz.jpg[/url]) ([url]http://s1206.photobucket.com/user/CPye061194/media/20161127_131931_zpslhwec0zz.jpg.html[/url])
Oh, so much to discuss!! But folks - WE HAVE A NEW FORUM BROMANCE!!!! A certain pair spent many hours together in one net, with their heads together furtively discussing tips and techniques. In fact, it took a bucket of cold water and some flapjacks to seperate them!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you - KING GEORGE & HENRY:
([url]http://h04t.imgup.net/georgec3c1.jpg[/url]) ([url]http://h04i.imgup.net/georgec3c1.jpg[/url]) ([url]http://v62t.imgup.net/henry950f.jpg[/url]) ([url]http://v62i.imgup.net/henry950f.jpg[/url])
) His batting was the second most majestic style on display after @jblowe too I'd say :)
Aha yes!! How did I forget the 11 year old that bounced @petehosk - cricketing gold that was!!
The older youngster who joined our net at the end was a bit of a bugger to face too! Never seen anything so fast especially off about 2 yards run up. I think after getting lucky and driving one ok all bets were off and he was after my head! I tried my tried and tested "I haven't played cricket for... blah blah blah" but I think he though I was taking the pi.. biscuit. Still got a swollen, purple finger from a bouncer I only partially managed to defend!
Does lack the comedy gold of the younger chap completely unexpectedly whistling one past Pete's ears with all eyes on the net though :) His batting was the second most majestic style on display after @jblowe too I'd say :)
and don't worry nothing is pieyier than my leg spin!
[url]http://www.eversleyindoorcricket.co.uk/contact.html[/url] ([url]http://www.eversleyindoorcricket.co.uk/contact.html[/url])
However you are not allowed to come if you are any good. @Woodyspin is a borderline entrant, but @WalkingWicket37 can come any time :)
thank you @FattusCattus my batting i like to think i am ok bowling - NOPE lol pies all day long lol
its around an 1hr and a half from me - so wont be able to attend too often but i would like to
I'll print this analysis off and put it on the mantlepiece next to my premier league winners medal... ;)
I'm sorry @SOULMAN1012 you clearly fail the talent criteria for these nets - you are simply too good and this may cause a problem.
You clearly need to be able to do at least one of the following:
A) Miss a slow straight one ( @WalkingWicket37)
B) Run aggressively straight past one ( @ppccopener )
C) Turn a really funny colour and go and have a 'nice sit down' ( @Churchy1989 )
D) Bowl a few decent leggies then quit whilst your ahead by announcing your arm has dropped off ( @Mpt7 )
E) Make sweet love to the bowling machine instead of bowling ( @uknsaunders )
Do you bake at all?
Pete, are you over the trauma :)
I felt like the guy from Matrix! It was funny to have to sway away to a 12 year old!
Is anyone going from or through Northampton?
The 8th is best for me too
@velvetsky01 fancy it? I know @DorsetDan will be keen to join us!
22nd seems to be the preferred for most
couldn't be a net without brucie
Southern translation
That would be splendid sir I'm free
I'm out for the 22nd I'm afraid, NFL London season! :D
You two can't fool us, you'll be travelling together!
Ahhhh, 'cricket friends!'
My missus has started doing cup cakes, so will bring a few as well as the brownies
Unless your all on diets??
Unless your all on diets??
My missus has started doing cup cakes, so will bring a few as well as the brownies
Unless your all on diets??
Don't get jealous now Brucie ;)
Sorry can't do 22nd Oct just got talked into going to Mexico and fly on 21st
Haha you make it sound like a hardship! Sure there'll be more in Nov/Dec (need to see @FattusCattus in a Santa suit pre-Xmas that's for sure)!
Lovers of big GN's rejoice :)
If anyone has any SSH bats their looking to part with, please bring 😍Got some SHs and a hacksaw? ;)
Got some SHs and a hacksaw? ;)They won't be balance well lol
They won't be balanced well lol
I hope I'm not too late to say I'm up for the 22nd @petehosk ?
Yes!! The Wounded Bison rides again! :D
thought it was a Rhino not a Bison but that would be splitting hairs. I hope the floor at Eversley doesn't collapse under the strain of my run up :)
@petehosk was it the 22nd in the end?
count me in
Still really hardly debating this. 1hr 40 mins drive for me from Northampton which is a fair haul.
Ill stay where I am on the list for now & decide.
Still really hardly debating this. 1hr 40 mins drive for me from Northampton which is a fair haul.
Ill stay where I am on the list for now & decide.
3 1/2 hours drive for me but I'd drive more to watch the elegance of bruce swishing his blade
and me and hosk have business
Right, I'm getting up for this now - I've just realised I've batted 3 times this season, so I think I might need a little time on the old bowling machine to remember which end of the stick to hold! any non-bowlers up for some feeding?
Does anyone actually know how to work the Merlin Machine - it's not going to fly out backwards or something?
Can we set it to 'non-turning fat 60 year old club 3XI off-spinner' mode, so I can smash it around and look like a God?
Can we set it to 'non-turning fat 60 year old club 3XI off-spinner' mode, so I can smash it around and look like a God?
Seriously though, I'd love to set it up to loopy lobs and practice dancing down the track (I'd even let someone keep to me to make their day :))
I can provide, "fat 25 year old off spinner who doesn't turn it much" if any use?
You sound like you'll fill the void of fat non turning off spinner I have left by not attending! :D
@petehosk Please change my statues to "Suffering from a knee injury". Not sure if I will be able to take part, but I am willing to feed the bowling machine if required.
Excellent work @petehosk - do we need to start a separate thread for the list of snacks people will be bringing?
I am thinking I may just pop along on me tod now
Excellent work @petehosk - do we need to start a separate thread for the list of snacks people will be bringing?
.....(with extra for the drive down ho hum)
I'd better look into what else I can put a banana in to.
Not sure if I will be able to take part, but I am willing to feed the bowling machine if required.
@velvetsky01 Can you confirm for sure today?
I want to try and avoid chopping and changing numbers.
Firstly Jaffa and his magical XL wand are attending (full list to follow once payments are out of the way)
This brings a new meaning to "Have bat, will travel"
The bowling machines easy, it's Brucies bowling that kills me!ha
I find it skids on when you use it! Brucies easy if you play it straight ;)
Can't let you guys have all the fun. I'm making a long London weekend of it.
A late starter with cricket and I've only really focused on my bowling. I've never-ever faced a bowling machine.
Just thought I'd get the excuses out the way first.
Rog, don't want to play to any stereotypes, but can you bring some really far out space-cakes with you?
Can someone bring a grip cone or a p*nis pump to the Southern Net please.
Will you be bringing your XP's for people to admire?
Will you be bringing your XP's for people to admire?
Ok chaps - waiting on payment from:
@RoCo Da Pixie
@Batbuddy99 (plus hankydad)
It is only a tenner each so let's get it paid up if you please!
If you cannot pay within the next day, please let me know ASAP as we need to know final numbers!
i may pop down if that's ok got a car full of kit to sell/give away!!!!
i may pop down if that's ok got a car full of kit to sell/give away!!!!
i may pop down if that's ok got a car full of kit to sell/give away!!!!
How much of this is bats?think I have 5-10 but I don't want to tuern your guys nets into a jumble sale I ll get a topic on here and see what people want I can bring It down.
Dave is clearly filling the void left by the absence of Simon ‘Arfur Daley’ May & Tom ‘Terrence McCann’ Line 😁
dont know if its a good or bad thing that I get paid mid-way through the month & people are bringing kit to potentially sell.
Could be a good or bad combination :D
Awesome stuff PH that is massive turnout
So many bats to pick up and fiddle about with where can we find time to actually practice?
There better be a nice place for lunch close is all I can say forget the cricket stuff
I'll stop for a burger if Petes ok with that?
Cracking little pub that
I'll stop for a burger if Petes ok with that?
Cracking little pub that
He's the boss at home
I'll be going to the pub afterwards.
The burgers in there are crackin'!
I also feel I'll be letting the side down as I only plan on bringing the bare minimum amount of kit I need... :-[
I'm bringing cup cakes too
Unless your all on diets????
For those that are attending 'The Frog & Wicket' afterwards - go on their site [url]http://www.thefrogandwicket.co.uk/food[/url] ([url]http://www.thefrogandwicket.co.uk/food[/url]) there is a link for a free drink!
Although its not working for me...
We don't need all that
@petehosk is buying
I reckon after organising this and trying to get everyone to commit and confirm (which is damn hard work with some!) I deserve to be treated to a drink and burger!!
I reckon after organising this and trying to get everyone to commit and confirm (which is damn hard work with some!) I deserve to be treated to a drink and burger!!
A hopeful request.
Is there anyone that is coming to the southern nets able to pick up some cricket gear in Birmingham and can bring down for the 22nd for me please? Preferably pick up this weekend? I'm willing to pay for your time and trouble.
If so can you pm me?
Si - do you reckon you could speak to them?
Maybe we should see who is interested in staying? But there are 27 or 28 of us going. So could well be 18 or so pubbing?
Is there anyone who definitely HAS to rush off home at 2pm so CAN'T make it to the pub?
Bruce @FattusCattus
If you are still wanting to face the Merlin bowling spin, can I volunteer to keep whilst you're doing so?
You may if you wish, however you will have nothing to do, as I shall be tearing Merlin a new one!! 😁
Might make an apperance at one of these now foreign guests seem to be welcomed ;)
Only if you bring along the Danish variant of Space cakes.Norwegian ;)
Hi guys,
As a new member to the forum I thought no better way to make all your acquaintances by coming down to a net.
Look forward to meeting you all, having a (below par) bat and generally gawking at good kit!
What do you look like - how will we know it's you?
What do you look like - how will we know it's you?
Hi guys can we have a show of hands who is attending the pub after please
These people are 'noobs' - we won't know who they are. They should be forced to post pictures of themselves before attending, so that we can recognise them!!
I'll give you an example - for any of you who haven't netted with @roco before, here is a teaser:
Hi guys can we have a show of hands who is attending the pub after please
These people are 'noobs' - we won't know who they are. They should be forced to post pictures of themselves before attending, so that we can recognise them!!
I'll give you an example - for any of you who haven't netted with @roco before, here is a teaser:
It's tuesday.....anyone getting excited yet?!.........
It's tuesday.....anyone getting excited yet?!.........
@petehosk - 10am start right?
@petehosk - 10am start right?
Early start for Si and me too, though it is worrying how much willow we'll have on board bearing in mind I've got double figures of bats just to give back 😂😂
@jblowe do you still have the xp70 that you chopped the toe off? I'd be curious to see how it feels if it is possible to bring it along?
And there's four from me coming your way too.
Really early start for me. I have to drop off all the stock at work and cash up. then back home and fry 40 samosas. followed by a 1.30 hour drive, which will be torture as I try really hard not to eat them all on the way dow.
Really early start for me. I have to drop off all the stock at work and cash up. then back home and fry 40 samosas. followed by a 1.30 hour drive, which will be torture as I try really hard not to eat them all on the way dow.
My brownies will be amazing, fyi. No hash tho...
I'll get the missus to bake something different if you're bringing so many brownies.
I can take left overs into work!
I can take left overs into work!
@petehosk as an admin any ideas on how we could do this without contravening forum rules and requiring lots of individual posts - I was thinking maybe people listing in a special thread what they may be up for selling with a ballpark price, possibly only viewable by those going to the net?
1. Ice
3. man up ;)
Excuse number 35.
I have crocked my calf so will be on ball feeding duties I think :( Before you say it, no I do not need to just mooove it to get better and no I am not milking a niggle- it bloody hurts
1. Ice (in a glass)
Is anyone bringing any lightweight bats for swap or sale that I; definitely don't need / definitely can't afford / definitely won't make me better?
Is anyone bringing any lightweight bats for swap or sale that I; definitely don't need / definitely can't afford / definitely won't make me better?
I have some used osm gm le pads if anyone wants them for nothing as loving my legends so not getting used
surely just offer them some of your coaching tips brucie
that's worth a bat or 2
I have some used osm gm le pads if anyone wants them for nothing as loving my legends so not getting used
Right I'll work out the current exchange rate between bananas and sterling
I have plenty of spare gear looking to swap etc so should be a good day out
brucie have you seen my bat for sell in the for sale thread, right up your street although probably a bit chunky for you :)
Brucie I may have a bat to suit, also got some more of those blue spirals I can bring along?Got any puma YRH gloves?
Have a few sets of youths gloves some unused and a set of both youth and men's pads if anyone wants them for nothing, juniors stuff would be perfect for a club bag
Brucie I may have a bat to suit, also got some more of those blue spirals I can bring along?
Have a few sets of youths gloves some unused and a set of both youth and men's pads if anyone wants them for nothing, juniors stuff would be perfect for a club bag
I have, but I don't like your prices - they're a bit 'Sugar Hut' :D
Yes, bring a blue spiral, I need a rubber!
Got any puma YRH gloves?
I want a rubber! Please bring a selection :-)
Got any puma YRH gloves?
Ribbed, thin or flavoured?
You'll only reveal after the event you lied about putting it on anyway...
Just dug out my net bat and shaved a coupla ounces off in anticipation for the hostile quick bowling I'm likely to encounter!!
Might even get one of those thigh pad thingies just in case?
Oh and the missus is just doing the first batch of cup cakes, for those not doing any silly diets
I'll give you hostile bowling! I'll stick one on yer snot-box (on the way down :D)!!
Not even close - 25kph is more like it!
Might have to duck out of tomorrow. According to the wife I have a prior engagement - parents in law :-( . I'll see if I can get out of it but it's not looking good.we might all get a bat then mate ;)
Might have to duck out of tomorrow. According to the wife I have a prior engagement - parents in law :-( . I'll see if I can get out of it but it's not looking good.
Anyone volunteering to run each net to give everyone a bat - I’d rather not drone on again this time! (Someone handy with a stopwatch perhaps?)
Don't women realise that cricket comes first! Jeeez!
To be fair, Bruce did a brilliant job of ensuring that the batting rotated and ticked along nicely!
@Woodyspin, try this
about 53 seconds in
Can you try again? :D
@Buzz when are you going to attend and give use a batting master class against the new Merlin bowling machine would love to watch you bat as even when I seen you bat in the barn you look like you got so much time with your shots
No f*cker! They were all too busy battling or buying something from @simonmay5 !
I've got 3 on my phone but no idea how to get them on here.
Quite pleased there is no video evidence of a certain forumite sizing up Merlin and saying 'FOR GODS SAKE YOU HAVE TO USE YOUR FEET TO GET TO THE PITCH'
Only to find it was much harder than it looked and then get hit right in the nuts when it was 'his' turn on the thing.
Really poor effort :)
Right, lets stop messing about - my FOMO levels have hit maximum.
November net anyone? :D
I quite liked the Merlin, @Woodyspin and I had a good net with that spin thing. Hardest part was getting use to the ball feed.
I would be up for another south-west net. Would be happy to go anywhere though the nearer to Taunton the better.
If anyone fancies another Warminster net in the meantime then I'd be up for that too! Started knocking my new stick in yesterday and now fully have the bug again.
Probably best to start a separate thread
How about a net where everyone only brings 2 bats each?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaarghh!! Run away, run away - burn him! Heretic!!!
How about a net where everyone only brings 2 bats each?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaarghh!! Run away, run away - burn him! Heretic!!!
I would be up for another south-west net. Would be happy to go anywhere though the nearer to Taunton the better.
Seems a long time ago already but was there any digital format of this? I did see a GoPro on a Tripod.
Anyway, just want to share towards the end what I thought was the shot of the day. I think it was Churchy plus 1 bowling (quick all day) against Chalkie. Another quick angled one comes in and Chalkie steps across and while wide on the crease calmly gets down on one knee to play it over the top towards fine leg. Very AB like.
Seems a long time ago already but was there any digital format of this? I did see a GoPro on a Tripod.Churchy's mate was great craic to face, had a good battle with him! Got a very good bouncer.
Anyway, just want to share towards the end what I thought was the shot of the day. I think it was Churchy plus 1 bowling (quick all day) against Chalkie. Another quick angled one comes in and Chalkie steps across and while wide on the crease calmly gets down on one knee to play it over the top towards fine leg. Very AB like.
:D :D you just reminded me of @Churchy1989's face when i bounced him... Haha
How about a net where everyone only brings 2 bats each?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaarghh!! Run away, run away - burn him! Heretic!!!
:D :D you just reminded me of @Churchy1989's face when i bounced him... Haha
Wonder who gave you that idea 🤔😂😂
I reckon the days between Boxing Day and new year day would be good and that way don’t have to spend to much time with the mothering law :)@simonmay5 hopefully your be fit enough to bring your collection of Oz GN
Yes - Eversley on this occasion.
And I'm sure there will be a January net! ;)
looking unlikely, had hoped I may escape for a few hours but apparently we have friends coming round that day... :-(
couple of names I cant see on the list who may have missed this thread - @felix @Batbuddy99
@petehosk I can't make this one unfortunately.
I've got a couple of bats I've just shaped, to show off,have a hit with
Ones got 50mm edges and a 70mm spine,
Yes hank and I will be there
I need a net!!
Eaten wayyyy too much
And desperate to see simons monster Aussie gn,s
@petehosk any idea who is coming tomorrow?
This could be a good time for role call!
Who is coming chaps? Please add names below.
Good work Simon... Keep that Aussie booty under wraps lol
Just waiting on the black atomic now and that’s my Australian bats done for the season
bagsy first dibs on the XXX11
Won’t be for sale mate really is a special bat ping on it is extremely good
Hello Pete - I’ll be coming - I may have a friend who’s interested as well to add to the numbers I’ll send over the money now
Any thoughts on the bats I showed off chaps?, (you don't need to be polite)
Lovely, I will take 1 ;-)
Pictures, pictures, pictures.
Agreed - when are they for sale?!
Great evening chaps! Suitably sore as imagined.
@Northern monkey the one bat I did pick up was lovely, and the attention to detail of the spine running through the toe was a delight. Also, picked up remarkably for a 2.13!
You didn't seem to struggle with it either!
Probably January sometimeBut that's not until next year! :o
Probably January sometime
Make it happen big fella
I enjoyed abusing that merlin thing
I should be delighted to attend a January Beano if it happens.
I'm sure you were barely organised without me! :D
Great fun aren’t they.. I’ve got one now 👍 hours on it today
The bat I was using is 2.7!!!!
No way I can wield a 2.13 bat these days ha
Guys if you had one tip for getting the ball up and over the infield for someone who generally was taught to keep it on the deck what would it be?Only 30 balls less per innings, if you're scoring runs hitting it on the floor I wouldn't worry about it! Plus not walking off feeling like a (No Swearing Please) after you've been caught at cover is always good ha.
45 overs a side beckons in 2018 :)
Only 30 balls less per innings, if you're scoring runs hitting it on the floor I wouldn't worry about it! Plus not walking off feeling like a (No Swearing Please) after you've been caught at cover is always good ha.
What's cover?Where left handers hit it instead of midwicket
Where left handers hit it instead of midwicket
2nd weekend in Feb (10th/11th)? :D I'm busy last week Jan/first week Feb so would be great if possible!
Preference would be for the Sunday too, but could likely do either.
Yep I would be Pete - 4 lanes and Merlin would be ace if it could be done again - certainly worth the trip!
Will check.
If we cant get Eversley until March, how about Reeds before then - think @Buzz said he could get us a discount, and then maybe he will some along to make sure we behave :D
Would love to but I'll be getting up close and personal with Australian willow over Feb
I’ll have a light XP80 and an SS Mumbo please!
I would love this - I shall check with my better half and let you know. @Neon Cricket @DorsetDan you going?
It's a no from me mate, 21 weeks of glorious cricket begins April 14th so naturally it's a "keep the missus happy" weekend.
Pencil me in Pete - someone needs to show Merlin who's boss!!I will see if my son is available then...
I will see if my son is available then...
How are we doing with this? Does it seem a goer?
I have reserved the entire hall - but I need numbers today so that I confirm tomorrow what we need.
Will see who else is interested so please let me know today if possible?
At the moment it is likely to be 2 lanes with 1 Bola machine (or the Merlyn) but that may change if numbers are enough.
So last chance to get a decent net and willow stroking session in before season starts?
Is this open to all?
I have reserved the entire hall - but I need numbers today so that I confirm tomorrow what we need.
Will see who else is interested so please let me know today if possible?
At the moment it is likely to be 2 lanes with 1 Bola machine (or the Merlyn) but that may change if numbers are enough.
So last chance to get a decent net and willow stroking session in before season starts?
I'll have to see what my knee is like, as i've just had it operated on! and don't want to rush back into everything
I haven't made the guest list? :(
I'm sure I was at the net yesterday, too!
great idea
im out until im fit enough to practice again which is tentatively August at present.
enjoy :)
Ok All,
With the weather getting better and the sun beginning to shine - I thought it time to revive this thread. My suggested date is Sunday 28th April or 5th May 2019 - this should give us all time to get our attendance slips signed from our partners, cats, jailers or significant others
My next suggestion is to go outside - however I know we can check with Eversley too - i have a venue in mind, similar location. so let see what interest levels are and then, we can go from there.
Obviously everyone is welcome - I simply nabbed the list from the last Eversley net, kindly organised by @gpun22
A simple - Yes/No on each date is enough at this point. I will update accordingly
let me know your thoughts
To Be confirmed
@Northern monkey
@Neon Cricket
@RoCo Da Pixie
Ok - I will take a role call tomorrow and start to put a list together.
And Cattus is certainly a Guru on the Bola!! ;)
Booked 9-12 on Sunday - 3 lanes...
Also have 2 bowling machines - our choice if we just use the 2 Bola machines, or if we feel daring we can use 1 Bola and the dreaded "spin-king" Merlyn?
I guess we can decide on Sunday.
Numbers are around 12/13 at the moment.
So thaqt means around 40+ minutes batting each (spread across the 3 lanes)
Plus some bowling too.
Will be around £17.50 each.
Or £75 if you want to hog the bowling machine for the whole 3 hours... @uknsaunders
17.50 is steep I’m out
Which in turn increases the price for everyone else
Back to the calculator @petehosk
Numbers are around 12/13 at the moment.
So thaqt means around 40+ minutes batting each (spread across the 3 lanes)
Plus some bowling too.
Will be around £17.50 each.
Oh no, it’s much cheaper than that, it’s just that someone is clearly ripping us of!!!
I thought it was just £2.50 each for the hall, the other £15 is for for the top level 1-2-1 coaching and bowling machine session with the one and only @FattusCattus
I’ll pay 2.50 I’ll leave the coaching!
Struggling to know if any of this is sarcasm over tinternet 🤔🤔 ha
Struggling to know if any of this is sarcasm over tinternet 🤔🤔 ha
Over 200 quid? Bowling machine balls must be made of gold!
It’s 35 per hour for merlin
How many people are going?
Over 200 quid? Bowling machine balls must be made of gold!
12 people.
And thanks for making this such a joyous occasion!!
Organise another net? Unsure whether i'll bother after this rather enjoyable experience!
Well, a fine time was had by all - a little light on attendance, but as we had the whole hall we were able to work it so it suited everyone.
Despite a fearsome 6-pronged spin attack, plus @Chalkie (I've wiped you from my mind @LEACHY48 ) batting was tricky (as @uknsaunders man-plums found out), but most people got a decent hit.
Many thanks to @Mpt7 and @petehosk for organisng, and me for being generally awesome.
High points of the session were:
Leachy's 'raw pace'
@gpun22 camera gear getting cleaned up again by Pete Hosk
Nick Saunders cleaning himself up by edging the ball onto his left testicle and then the stumps
A phalanx of pink dog-throwers
Merlyn repeatedly spitting 2 balls out at a time (it's a fiend I tell you!)
A few pics will follow.